Sunday 9 October 2011

Backpacking in India – what to pack

The best way to see India is by backpacking across it. There is no one destination lesser than the other, there are just too many places and none can be missed. But covering the entire nation this big could be difficult , then what is the best way to see it for what it is, to sense the vibrations of the country to take in the minutest details? It is by backpacking.
Backpacking in India can be both awesome and invigorating, it will provide you with a superb way to interact with the locals try local cuisines and take in the place.
Hence when you plan your trip make sure you packed the right things. India being a country with tropical climate, cotton is the best thing to carry, so Cotton pants, cotton Shirts, cotton T-Shirts, Kurtis whatever will do.
With this always add some rain gear, for most parts of India a good Poncho and water proof shoes should do the trick. Carry a foldable umbrella if you feel the need. For cold, one sweater/jacket or shawl will do the trick. Most places in India are well connected with buses and trains, [for trains read our previous blog too].
Carry one cotton dupatta or long length of cloth, it will help you prevent the sun, or cold or you can even put it on the pillow while dozing off in the train, roll it and use it like a pillow while waiting for a bus. Always carry sun shades with UV protection and sun screen lotion with +15 SPF.
Carry loose change, auto rickshaws, local buses and small shops do not accept cards, they will also not have change for bigger denominations, so make it easier and carry change. Carry polythene bags and cover all your clothes with polythene bags, in the monsoons the rains can hit even the driest regions, if not for the rains at least for the buses and trains wrap all your stuff in polythene bags, as there might be slush on the roads or water leakage in trains or even against dirt it will help.
Carry a torch, a multiple sided adapter to charge your phones, camera batteries or ipods as most low budget hotels, hostels and rooms will have only one plug point. Carry thin cotton towels, don’t bother to carry big shampoos and soaps, most things are available everywhere. Put in a pair of Hawai chappals or floaters. Carry one or two books or magazines, that you can flip through while awaiting your train or bus, dump some chocolates and biscuits into the bag and you are ready to go.
Don’t carry too much clothing, keep your bag light and easy to carry.

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