Wednesday 4 January 2012

Photography Tour to Bhoganandeeshwara Temple

Life is calling organized a photography tour a few days ago. Photography for most travelers comes as an accessory , it’s a package, you want to travel to see new places and when you see new places you want to capture it. Photography has its nuances, its subtleties, its own understanding of the visual in front of you. Photography not only creates memories it can create an artistic portrayal of an exotic place. So we at Life is Calling thought why not club the two and have some fun on the way.

So a renowned Bangalore Photographer Neeta Shankar worked along with us to create some awesome experience with a photography workshop. The plan was to visit the Bhoganandeeshawara temple which is close to Nandi hills, the temple is about a 1000 years old and is known for its architecture and beauty.
The workshop was a superb success with the whole team meeting up and reaching the place by 9am. After about an hour of initial photography the team was given a talk on basics of photography, the main Do’s and Don’t’s the understanding of composition, colour and contour till 1 in the afternoon. Then a sumptuous meal to get them started for the rest of the day and learning. 

The group was filled with enthusiastic people trying out new techniques that they had learnt, trying to capture the temple in all its beauty.
Photography trips are a wonderful way to not only spend a weekend doing your favourite thing but also a great way to meet similar minded people and to experience and experiment and also get expert advice on the go. So we have planned up a few more photographic trips in the same way. Check out our website to know the schedule of the upcoming photography tours, to enroll yourself and join in on the fun.


  1. Sounds awesome I wanna be a part of it ...

  2. when is the next tour ?


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